Wednesday 2 November 2016

4 common myths about weight loss

Losing weight is something that is deeply personal and everyone goes about it differently. In general what it comes down to is healthy eating and being physically active. The age old equation of energy in versus energy out. If we consume more energy then we burn off then we will put on weight regardless of what we are consuming compared to if we consume less energy then we burn off then we will lose weight. There are no magic pills or programs which transform us without putting in work. Unfortunately there are a lot of myths out there as manufacturers and companies want us to believe there is a quick fix so let's look at a few of the most common myths. 

MYTH number 1 - All calories are equal. This means that regardless of what the food is a calorie is a calorie so why not eat what we want as long as we don't go over our designated calories for the day. Well each macro-nutrient has a different effect on the body based on how it is metabolised with proteins having the ability to boost metabolism. It is also important to choose nutrient dense foods such as fruits and vegetables as opposed to a sugary lolly that may have the same calorie content as the nutrient dense foods benefit us by giving us nutrients we require as well as making us feel fuller for longer. 

MYTH number 2 - Weight loss supplements will help you lose weight. The weight loss supplement market is a multi million dollar industry which advertises a 'quick fix' solution to those who want to lose weight fast or have tried every diet on the market with no luck. There is absolutely no evidence that weight loss supplements work with some suggesting it is a placebo effect due to being more aware of what you are eating or being more physically active. 

MYTH number 3 - Fat makes you fat. Like myth number 1 not all fat is the same. If you are consuming a high fat, high carbohydrate and high calorie diet then yes chances are you will put on weight but if you are eating healthy fats such as avocados, olive oils, nuts or fatty fish as part of a balanced diet then it is unlikely to. It is not dietary fat which is going to make you fat but your overall diet and their is some research which suggests a diet high in good fats and low in carbohydrates will assist you in losing weight. 

MYTH number 4 - Snacking leads to weight loss and overeating. There is research which suggests that snacking is actually better for us as we are less likely to overeat or get to the point where we are so hungry that we binge and eat an entire days calorie intake in one meal. By consuming 5-6 small meals over the course of the day as opposed to 3 main meals also has the ability to stabilise blood sugar levels so we don't have sugar highs and lows throughout the day. It all comes down to what foods we snack on. If you are reaching for a packet of salty chips every time you have a snack then yes you are likely to put on weight and consume more throughout the day as opposed to if you have carrot sticks with hummus dip. 

Weight loss is not easy and there are many factors which contribute to someone's success such as age, gender, metabolic rates, genetics, food intake and physical activity output. I hope some of this has helped to dispel a few common myths.



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