Tuesday 3 January 2017

Setting realistic goals for the new year

It is that time of year where almost everyone sets new year's resolutions with the most common being related to health or fitness. So today I am going to talk about setting goals and making sure they are realistic. 

Firstly the big thing is don't go out too fast too soon. If you are someone who has not worked out in years it's not a great idea to set yourself a goal of working out twice a day, 7 days a week because you are likely to get a few days in and feel exhausted, sore which may result in you giving up all together.

Secondly it's important to ensure you find something you enjoy doing or do it with someone you enjoy spending time with. For example if you are someone who finds running really boring it's probably not a great idea to take up running 3x a week, you could however choose to go for a hike or a walk at the beach with friends or family which you may find enjoyable and may not notice the amount of steps you clock up and calories you burn. Other good options are group fitness classes, swimming or being active with the kids.

Thirdly, make sure your goals have a purpose. You may be thinking you want to lose weight because you want to be able to play with the kids more, or you want to increase your incidental exercise so you can remain active as you get older and reduce your chance of injury. By having a purpose you are more likely to stick to it. Make sure it is something that you want to do, not something you feel like you need to do. If you set yourself something that is positive and something you want to achieve you are more likely to stick to it. 

Make the goal specific. Instead of saying I am going to lose weight, state I am going to lose 2kgs a month for 6 months. This way you know exactly how much you want to lose and the time frame in which you want to lose it. It's also important to set both short term and long term goals. It's no good saying I am going to lose 20kgs without setting smaller goals to keep you on track and so you don't feel like you are putting in a lot of effort with no results. 

Making goals are personal and should be something each of us come up with ourselves, not goals that others set for us. So what are your goals for 2017??

I hope this has helped for you to make realistic goals around your health and wellness for this year


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