Sunday 23 October 2016

The Importance of Breakfast

Growing up I was never big on eating breakfast and it is common for a lot of people to either skip it or eat mid morning and then skip lunch. Today I am going to give you 3 reasons why it's important to eat breakfast and not skip regardless of how time poor you may think you are.

In recent years I have become a big fan of breakfast to the point it is without a doubt my favourite meal of the day. Depending on what time I go to the gym dictates what I eat as I am not big on eating much before I work out so those mornings I'm going early I will have a smoothie or shake prior to going. 

Reason's why you should eat breakfast:

  • It helps to kick start our metabolism which means we are going to be burning more energy and get our body in the right position to work at it's optimal level throughout the day
  • It helps to restore our glycogen stores, these are essential for our body to be able to work properly
  • Helps to stabilise our blood glucose levels which means we are less likely to reach for the mid morning snacks or high sugar foods

Now while it is important to eat breakfast this is not a free pass to eat anything you like just because you want to kick start your metabolism. You still need to make healthy choices as well. I will focus on good breakfast choices in my next nutrition blog

Hope you have enjoyed

Simone xx

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