Saturday 29 October 2016

Why is it so important to drink water?

We are always told we need to drink more water but why is it so important? And how much should we be drinking? We have all heard that we can go weeks without food but only 3 days without water! Have you ever got to the afternoon and you feel really tired, lethargic and can't think straight? This could be because you are thirsty not because you are hungry. If we lose only 2% of the water in our body it can lead to all sorts of issues such as fatigue, difficulty focusing and short term memory issues. This is because water makes up 85% of our brain, 80% of our blood and 70% of our lean muscle tissue.

Water is vital for allowing us to absorb some nutrients, removing toxins from our body and helps with blood circulation. Our bodies need water to be able to function properly and the same hydration cannot be obtained from other sources. Soft drinks and alcohol take water away from the body and can cause dehydration while tea and coffee act as diuretics and again can cause dehydration. Water can also aid in weight loss by improved circulation and increasing your metabolic rate.

So how much water should we be consuming? It is said to aim for 2L or 8 glasses a day. There is no set amount of water as everyone loses fluid at a different rate so you need to drink to your situation. Elite athletes will need to consume more then a sedentary office worker as they are losing a lot more fluids through sweating. A good way to tell if you are hydrated is the colour of your urine. The darker it is the more dehydrated you are and you will need to increase your water intake. 

Tips for drinking more water:
  • Drink a glass before every meal
  • Carry a bottle around with you and sip on it throughout the day
  • Mark a bottle with targets you set throughout the day so you know if you are on track
  • Add some lemon slices or berries to flavour the water naturally
  • Have it close to you
  • Be prepared and take a bottle to the gym, on your walk, to the playground
  • Eat water rich foods such as cucumber, watermelon and celery

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