Thursday 27 October 2016

What is incidental exercise and why is it so important?

Incidental exercise, it's a phrase that is thrown about a lot when it comes to weight loss but what does it actually mean? A good way to describe it is the exercise we do without thinking as we go about our regular routines or the small amounts of exercise which accumulate over the day. Looking at every opportunity as a way to be more active. Good examples are:
  • Housework and vacuuming
  • Mowing the lawns
  • Gardening
  • Walking to and from work
  • Supermarket shopping
  • Playing with the kids

Digging in the garden can burn up to 315 calories in 30 minutes while boosting the heart rate and working the arms, thighs, calves and shoulders. Cleaning the windows can burn up to 125 calories in 30 minutes while working your arms and shoulders. Washing the car can burn 140 calories in 30 minutes and works the arms and stomach. Running up and down the stairs for 30 minutes burns 285 calories in 30 minutes 

So why is it so important to include incidental exercise into our daily routine and increase where possible? Incidental exercise can be the difference between maintaining your body weight, losing weight or letting the extra kilos pile on. Incidental exercise like planned physical exercise helps to reduce the risk of chronic disease later on in life, things like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. 


So what are some ways that we can increase our incidental exercise?
  • Parking a little further away from the shops/work
  • Getting off the bus a stop earlier
  • Doing an extra couple of laps around the shops 
  • Doing a walk before breakfast or after dinner
  • Walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift
  • Be active while watching TV, doing step ups, on a treadmill or bike

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